DRT Court Fees Calculator DRT Court Fee Chart, DRAT Court Fees Calculator DRAT Court Fee Advocates

DRT Court Fees Calculator DRT Court Fee Chart, DRAT Court Fees Calculator DRAT Court Fee Advocates Lawyers

What is the fee for filing an Original Application (OA) before the Tribunal?

The fee payable as per Rule 7 of the Debts Recovery Tribunal (Procedure) Rules, 1993 is Rs.12,000/- where an amount of debt due is Rs.10.00 lakhs, Rs.12,000 plus Rs.1000 for every one lakh of debt due or part thereof in excess of Rs.10.00 lakhs subject to a maximum of Rs.1,50,000/- where an amount of debt due is above Rs.10.00 lakhs.

What is the fee for Review Application?

The fee for Review Application is fifty per cent of the fee paid for the OA.

What is the fee for Interlocutory Application?

The fee for filing Interlocutory Application (IA) is Rs.250/-.

What is the fee for Vakalatnama?

The fee for filing Vakalatnama is Rs.5/-.

What is the fee for an appeal against the order of the Recovery Officer?

Rs.12,000/- if the amount appealed against is less than Rs.10 lakhs.

Rs.20,000/- if the amount appealed against is Rs.10 to 30 lakhs.

Rs.30,000/- if the amount appealed against is more than 30 lakhs.

What is the fee for perusal of documents?

Rs.100/- per case.

What is the fee payable for certified copies of documents?

Rs.5 per page.

Debts Recovery Tribunal (Procedure) Rules, 1993

7. Application Fee. – (1) Every Application under section 19(1), or section 19(2), or section 19(8), or section 30(1) of the Act, or interlocutory application or application for review of decision of the Tribunal shall be accompanied by a fee provided in the sub-rule (2) and such fee may be remitted through, a crossed Bank Demand Draft drawn on a bank or Indian Postal Order in favour of the Registrar of the Tribunal and payable at the place where the Tribunal is situated.

(2) The amount of fee payable shall be as follows: –

S. No.Nature of ApplicationAmount of Fee Payable
1. Application for recovery of debts due under section 19(1) or section 19(2) of the Act: 
 (a) Where amount of debt due is Rs.10 lakhsRs. 12000/-
 (b) Where the amount of debt due is above Rs.10 lakhsRs.12000/- plus Rs. 1000/- for every one lakh rupees of debt due or part thereof in excess of Rs.10/- lakhs, subject to a maximum of Rs.1,50,000/-.
2. Application to counter claim under section 19(8) of the Act: 
 (a) Where the amount of claim made is upto Rs.10 lakhsRs. 12000/-
 (b) Where the amount of claim made is above Rs.10 lakhsRs.12000/- plus Rs.1000/- for every one lakh rupees or part thereof in excess of Rs. 10/- lakhs, subject to a maximum of Rs.1,50,000/- 
3. Application for Review including review application in respect of the counter
 (a) against an interim orderRs. 125
 (b) against a final order excluding review for correction of clerical or arithmetical mistakes50% of fee payable at rates as applicable on the applications under section 19(1) or 19(8) of the Act, subject to a maximum of Rs.15,000/-
4. Application for interlocutory orderRs. 250/-
5. Appeals against orders of the Recovery Officer
If the amount appealed against is:
 (i) Less than Rs.10 lakhsRs. 12000/-
 (ii) 10 lakhs or more but less than Rs. 30 lakhsRs. 20,000/-
 (iii) 30 lakhs or moreRs. 30,000/-
6. VakalatnamaRs. 5/-]

The Debts Recovery Appellate Tribunal (Procedure) Rules, 1994

8. Fee. – (1) Every memorandum of appeal under section 20 of the Act shall be accompanied with a fee provided in sub-rule (2) and such fee may be remitted either in the form of crossed demand draft drawn on a nationalised bank in favour of the Registrar and payable at the station where the Registrar’s officer is situated or remitted through a crossed Indian Postal Order drawn in favour of the Registrar and payable in Central Post Office of the station where the Appellate Tribunal is located.

(2) The amount of fee payable in respect of appeal under section 20 shall be as follows:-

S. No.Amount of debt dueAmount of fees payable
1Less than Rs. 10 lakhsRs.12,000
2Rs. 10 lakhs or more but less than Rs. 30 lakhsRs. 20,000
3Rs. 30 lakhs or moreRs. 30,000

The Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002

13. Fees for applications and appeals under section 17 and 18 of the Act.- (1) Every application under sub section (1) of section 17 or an appeal to the Appellate Tribunal under sub-section (1) of section 18 shall be accompanied by a fee provided in the sub-rule (2) and such fee may be remitted through a crossed demand draft drawn on a bank or Indian Postal Order in favour of the Registrar of the Tribunal or the Court as the case may be, payable at the place where the Tribunal or the Court is situated.

(2) The amount of fee payable shall be as follows:

S. No.Nature of ApplicationAmount of Fee payable
1.Application to a Debt Recovery Tribunal under sub-section (1) of section 17 against any of the measures referred to in sub-section (4) of section 13 
 (a) Where the applicant is a borrower and the amount of debt due is less than Rs.10 lakhsRs. 500 for every Rs.1 lakh or part thereof
 (b) Where the applicant is a borrower and the amount of debt due is Rs. 10 lakhs and aboveRs. 5,000 + Rs. 250 for every Rs. 1 lakh or part thereof in excess of Rs. 10 lakhs subject to a maximum of Rs. 1,00,000
 (c) Where the applicant is an aggrieved party other than the borrower and where the amount of debt due is less than Rs.10 lakhsRs. 125 for every Rupees One lakh or part thereof
 (d) Where the applicant is an aggrieved party other than the borrower and where the amount of debt due is Rs.10 lakhs and aboveRs. 1,250 + Rs. 125 for every Rs. 1 lakh or part thereof in excess of Rs. 10 lakhs subject to a maximum of Rs. 50,000
 (e) Any other application by any personRs. 200
2. Appeal to the Appellate Authority against any order passed by the Debt Recovery Tribunal under section 17

What is OA and SA in DRT? OA (Original Application), SA (Securitization Application), IA(Interlocutory Application), MA (Miscellaneous Application)

What is OA and SA in DRT? OA (Original Application), SA (Securitization Application), IA(Interlocutory Application), MA (Miscellaneous Application)

DRT full form is Debt Recovery Tribunal. This special tribunal was set up in 1993 to resolve the pendency of money recovery cases of the bank by the defaulters. To recover money from the borrowers, banks and institutions can file an application for debt recovery in the DRT. This thing goes both ways. If the defaulter wants to file a case to the bank, then also it comes under the jurisdiction of the debt recovery tribunal. There are different types of applications that can be filed under the DRT, including OA (Original Application), SA (Securitization Application), IA(Interlocutory Application), MA (Miscellaneous Application). As of now, there are 39 such DRTs in India. The powers of a DRT are the same as those of a civil court. The main objective of DRT is to reduce the burden from the higher court and provide a speedy recovery in matters of debt payable to banks and financial institutions.

DRT Jabalpur Address, DRT Madhya Pradesh Address, DRT Chhattisgarh Address

DRT Jabalpur Address, DRT Madhya Pradesh Address, DRT Chhattisgarh Address

DRT Jabalpur Debt Recovery Tribunal

The Hon’ble Debt Recovery Tribunal Jabalpur (DRT Jabalpur) has been constituted by vide notification GSR No. 181 (E) dated 07/04/1998.

Jurisdiction: The territorial jurisdiction of the Debt Recovery Tribunal Jabalpur (DRT Jabalpur) covers:

Jurisdiction: Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh

DRT Jabalpur Address DRT Madhya Pradesh Address DRT Chhattisgarh Address

DRT Jabalpur Address:
DRT Jabalpur 797/2, Shanti Kunj, South Civil Lines, Jabalpur – 482001 drtjabalpur-dfs@nic.in

DRT Advocate Jabalpur DRT Lawyer Jabalpur Debts Recovery Tribunal

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Tribunal Jurisdictions

DRAT Allahabad (Jurisdiction over 6 DRTs) DRT Allahabad, DRT Dehradun, DRT Jabalpur, DRT Lucknow, DRT Patna, DRT Ranchi.

DRAT Chennai (Jurisdiction over 9 DRTs) DRT Chennai-1, DRT Chennai-2, DRT Chennai-3, DRT Bengaluru-1, DRT Bengaluru-2, DRT Coimbatore, DRT Ernakulam-1, DRT Ernakulam-2, DRT Madurai.

DRAT Delhi (Jurisdiction over 7 DRTs) DRT Delhi-1, DRT Delhi-2, DRT Delhi-3, DRT Chandigarh-1, DRT Chandigarh-2, DRT Chandigarh-3, DRT Jaipur.

DRAT Kolkata (Jurisdiction over 9 DRTs) DRT Kolkata-1, DRT Kolkata-2, DRT Kolkata-3, DRT Hyderabad-1, DRT Hyderabad-2, DRT Visakhapatnam, DRT Siliguri, DRT Cuttack, DRT Guwahati.

DRAT Mumbai (Jurisdiction over 8 DRTs) DRT Mumbai-1, DRT Mumbai-2, DRT Mumbai-3, DRT Ahmedabad-1, DRT Ahmedabad-2, DRT Aurangabad, DRT Nagpur, DRT Pune.

DRT Jabalpur Order, DRT Case Status, Cause List, Debts Recovery Tribunal Jabalpur

DRT Jabalpur Order, DRT Case Status, Cause List, Debts Recovery Tribunal Jabalpur

The Recovery of Debts and Bankruptcy Act, 1993 (RDB Act) provides speedy redressal to lenders and borrowers through filing of Original Applications (OAs) in Debts Recovery Tribunals (DRTs) and appeals in Debts Recovery Appellate Tribunals (DRATs).
The Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets & Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 (SARFAESI Act) provides access to banks and financial institutions covered under the Act for recovery of secured debts from the borrowers without the intervention of the Courts at the first stage. Securitisation Appeals (SAs) can be filed with the DRTs by those aggrieved against action taken by secured creditors under the SARFAESI Act.

Tribunal Jurisdictions DRAT Allahabad (Jurisdiction over 6 DRTs) DRT Allahabad, DRT Dehradun, DRT Jabalpur, DRT Lucknow, DRT Patna, DRT Ranchi.

DRT’s Daily Order Report

Daily Order Details

DRT/DRAT Case Status Report

DRT Causelist Report

DRT Jabalpur Order, DRT Case Status, Cause List, Debts Recovery Tribunal Jabalpur